How about Having Your Own Community on Orkut?

Orkut CommunityOrkut is a very popular social networking site from Google and users get many community features to enjoy. You can have your own community on Orkut on maybe some hobby or a particular interest; through a community you can inspire other Orkut members to join the community and share their experiences on a common interest, hobby or any activity. An online technical support provider can help you with creating an Orkut community or you may do it yourself by following some steps.

• Step 1: Sign in to your Orkut account.
• Step 2: Go through some of the present communities on your interest by searching them. For this, you have to look for the Communities section on the Orkut page and then type a community name in the search bar for looking up that community.
• Step 3: Now the Orkut user must click on Create option for adding a new community to the social networking site. The user has to confirm his/her identity to be directed to a community registration page.
• Step 4: The user must pick a name as well as a category for the newly created Orkut community and then provide a description of the group for appealing to the new potential members.
• Step 5: The user is also required to manage the community settings. This will include setting community messaging options, customizing a form for the community, poll postings, and control the membership. After you are done with the community settings, you have to click Submit and then start inviting members to your community.

You can look for remote PC support or any online computer technical support providers if there are any issues in creating a community on Orkut.

Learn to Change Icon Size of Programs in Start Menu of Windows XP

 Change Icon of Windows XPIf you are using Windows XP operating system, know that you have the option to have large sized program icons in the Start Menu. You may change the icon sizes according to your preference and may easily do that. For this, the users may follow some tips and achieve the task themselves, or they may also look for the services of a reputed online technical support for assistance in case they are not too confident in doing the work themselves.

• Step 1: The user has to right click on the Start Menu and then select Properties from the menu list.
• Step 2: You will now get a window called Taskbar and Start Menu Properties; here, the user needs to click on the Customize button.
• Step 3: Now the user must select the tab labeled General in the Customize Start Menu window, in case it has not been selected already.
• Step 4: Under the group box called Select an icon size for programs, the user must select the options Large icons or Small icons as they wish.
• Step 5: At the final step, the users must click on OK for saving the changes made.

If you face any problems, you may contact any computer repair service for help.

How to Disable Instant Search in Google


Have you used Google search engine’s Instant Search feature? If you have, you will know that the feature lets you search while you keep typing. This enables the search results to keep appearing as you type without hitting the Enter key on your keyboard. Some people find this feature very useful, while others may not think so. If you want to disable the Instant Search feature, contact an online technical support provider. If you want to do it yourself, follow the given steps.

• Step 1: The user must open the Google web page.

• Step 2: On the top right side of the web page, you will find the “Search Settings” link that you must click on.

• Step 3: The user must now scroll down on the Search Settings page and then choose the “Do not use Google instant” option.

• Step 4: At the final step, you need to click on the button labeled “Save Preferences”. This will save the settings.

You must know that the settings are saved in the form of cookies in the browser you are using. When the browser cache is cleared, the settings are lost. If you use many browsers, make sure you save the settings in each browser separately. If there are any problems that you cannot handle, contact a remote PC support provider for assistance.


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