How a PC Based DVR Accesses the Host IP Address for DNS

It is to be noted that when a Windows based PC is unable to access hosts on the Internet, it usually occurs owing to an incorrectly configured DNS setting. The DNS or the Domain Name System is known to handle the way computers get connected to the IP addresses as well as the websites. Actually the DNS setting is an IP address, which is set on the PC for letting the PC know how to access the Internet hosts. If you are Windows user, you can configure DNS, but you need to know certain tips.

•Step 1: You have to log in to the Windows operating system in your machine. You may use an account with administrator rights.

•Step 2: Click on the Start menu and then click on Control Panel.

•Step 3: Now click on “Network and Sharing Center” and then click the “Change Adapter Settings”.

•Step 4: You then have to right click on the network adapter installed in your system and select Properties from the drop down list.

•Step 5: Next double click on Internet Protocol (IP).

•Step 6: Now click “Obtain DNS server address automatically” option and then click on OK. The network adapter will set the DNS IP address automatically.

If you are still facing issues, contact a computer repair service for technical support.

How to Remove Trojan Virus on Mac

A Trojan virus can prove to be very harmful for your machine, so it will be better to remove it. There are certain steps that need to be followed for removal of a Trojan virus on Mac operating system.

•Step 1: Go to the Library folder and in the Finder section click on the Hard Drive icon.

•Step 2: Now route to the Internet Plug-Ins folder

•Step 3: Locate the plugins.settings file; the absence of this file implies that your machine is not infected with the Trojan virus

•Step 4: After finding the file, click the Trash icon and then choose the Empty Trash option. This will get rid of the tool that sets the disturbing DND information.

•Step 5: Go to Applications and choose Utilities. Now click on Terminal.

•Step 6: Look for a notepad like thing, and type sudo crontab –l. Clcik Return and type your admin password.

•Step 7: If there is a Trojan Horse virus in your Mac, you are surely going to get the code crontab: no crontab for root .

•Step 8: Your next step will be to type sudo crontab –r along with the admin password. Typing sudo crontab -1 will ensure that whatever you have typed is working. The response should be the code crontab: no crontab for root.

•Step 9: Now click on Exit and restart your machine. This should remove the Trojan virus.

If you still face problems, contact a remote computer repair provider for assistance.

How to Know Your System’s DNS Server Address ?

When you type any web address in the address bar of your web browser, your machine will be sending a request to the DNS server which is nearest. This server is responsible for redirecting your computer to the certain numeric IP address and the web page opens in your web browser. So, now you see how important it is to know the DNS server address of your computer.

You may try locating the DNS server address through the command prompt.

•Step 1: Go to the Start menu and click on Run

•Step 2: In the small window that opens, you should type in ‘cmd’ and then press Enter

•Step 3: You will get a new window with a black background on your screen; type the command ‘ipconfig/all’ and then press Enter

•Step 4: There will be lots of information in the black window, go through the data till you find the line having the words ‘DNS Servers’. The numbers that you find next to those words is the DNS server address of your computer.

Another way to identify the DNS server address

•Step 1: Go to the Start menu and then click on Control Panel

•Step 2: Now double click on Network connections in the window that opens

•Step 3: This will let you know the internet connection that you are currently using

•Step 4: Right click on that particular icon and from the options available select Properties

•Step 5: Highlight the words ‘Internet Protocol’ and then click on the command button which is named Properties

•Step 6: This will give you a new window for viewing the preferred and the alternate DNS server addresses.

If you face problems, you can contact a remote computer repair provider for help and assistance.

How to Repair Blue Screen of Death in Windows XP ?

The blue screen of death is also referred to as BSOD and is a computer problem occurring in the Windows operating system. Windows has difficulty in overcoming this problem and it crashes. The BSOD problem usually occurs when the Windows operating system gets affected by software, hardware or a driver error. You must understand how to fix BSOD.

•Tip 1: You have to remove any newly installed hardware. Check if the computer is running properly after removing the hardware. In case the system is functioning well after taking this step, you will know that the new hardware caused the problem.

•Tip 2: You may try scanning your machine in the safe mode. Remember a spyware scan has to be conducted together with the virus scan for solving the blue screen of death issue.

•Tip 3: You can also try repairing the BSOD problem by running your computer in the latest known good configuration.

•Tip 4: If the other tips have failed, you can search for help online on the basis of error codes. The discussion forums that you find online are often of immense help.

If you get no solution to the blue screen of death problem, you can contact a remote computer repair provider for tech support.

How to Get Rid of a Trojan Virus

You might have faced a Trojan virus when working on your computer and been extremely annoyed. A Trojan virus is actually a faulty computer program which has the ability to infect remote computers by deleting important files and also changing the desktop. You can delete this virus by following some steps.

•Step 1: Restart your computer.

•Step 2: You may launch an antivirus program to install in your computer, like McAfee and Symantec’s Norton. Once the program window appears, go to the ‘Disk View’, then select Scan/Repair; this will enable the antivirus to detect the Trojan virus and then trash it.

•Step 3: Now exit the antivirus program on your machine and restart your system; find out of the Trojan virus has been removed. Also empty the trash can on your computer.

•Step 4: In case you are a Windows user, you have to disable the System Restore feature. Go to the Start menu, and right click on the My Computer icon for accessing Properties. Now check the ‘Turn Off System Restore’ option, which falls under the category of System Restore tab in the Properties window; after having done this, click on Apply. You have to verify your wish to disable the System Restore feature by clicking on OK or Yes.

•Step 5: Update the virus definitions in your antivirus program by downloading the latest definitions from the website.

•Step 6: You can scan the files for detecting the Trojan file. Go by the instructions provided in your antivirus program for deleting the suspicious files. The Trojan file is normally found in the C:\ drive. Also edit the machine’s backup registry by going to Start menu, then going to Run and typing ‘regedit’ in the textbox, then click OK.

•Step 7: Search the registry entry and delete it. The entry might begin with HKEY. Now exit the registry entry and restart your system.

If you still face problems contact an expert for online computer repair.

How to Copy Music from iPod to Computer

Copying or transferring music from iPod to your computer is very prevalent nowadays. If you have never done this, you can learn how to do it. It is not a difficult task at all. You need your iPod, your computer system, the Apple iTunes software as well as the iPod data cable to perform this task.

•Step 1: Get the iPod connected to the computer by plugging the data cable in one of the USB slots of the computer.

•Step 2: A window will open giving you options like play music, open the drive, and other options. In case you do not have the ‘auto run’ feature, you will have to go to ‘My Computer’ and then click open the iPod drive.

•Step 3: Enable the viewing of hidden folders and files by clicking on ‘Tools’ tab on the menu bar; this will give you a drop down menu. From this menu, you need to select ‘Folder Options’; select ‘view’ from the options and then select the ‘show hidden files and folders option’.

•Step 4: There is a new folder called iPod _control in the iPod drive. There are other folders inside this folder from where you are supposed to select the ‘Music’ folder.

•Step 5: Next you need to select the music you want to transfer to your computer and just copy paste the music files on your computer drive.

If you are facing problems in accomplishing this task, you can contact the online computer repair services for assistance.

How to Create a Booting Floppy Disk

All computer users are aware of the terms ‘Boot Disk’ and ‘Booting Floppy Disk’. Has it ever occurred to you how one might create a Booting disk. This is possible and you need to follow some steps carefully to do that. The following steps will work for all users of Windows 95/98/98SE/ME; the steps may also work with the other versions.

• Step 1: You must have an empty floppy disk in a good working condition. It is advisable to have a new floppy; in case you are using an old floppy, you must have a backup of all the floppy contents, as in the creation of a boot floppy, all the existing content in the floppy disk will be destroyed or lost.

• Step 2: Insert your floppy in the floppy disk drive; ensure that the floppy’s write protect notch is closed.

• Step 3: Go to the Start menu, then access Setting and click on Control Panel

• Step 4: Now double click on the ‘Add/Remove Programs’ icon for the window to open

• Step 5: Now go to the Startup disk section

• Step 6: Click on the ‘Create Disk’ tab; now windows will be asking for a confirmation in creating the boot disk.

• Step 7: In case the boot disk creation fails in the middle, you can blame it on the floppy disk’s quality being poor. You are required to use another floppy disk and follow the same afore-mentioned steps.

In case you are still facing problems, you may contact a remote computer support provider for online computer repair.

How to Reset Root Password in Linux

If you are a Linux administrator, you know how damaging it can be to forget your own root password. You must also be aware that it is highly important to get back the control of your system in such a scenario. Instead of panicking, you should be able to help yourself in such circumstances. Know how to reset or change your existing password.
Attention Grub boot loader users

• Step 1: Start your computer, the Grub boot loader will also start

• Step 2: Now highlight the Redhat Linux entry after accessing the Grub menu

• Step 3: Next press E for editing the boot configuration

• Step 4: Find the line that says ‘kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20-0.70 root=LABEL=/hdc=ide-scsi’

• Step 5: At the line’s end, just type number 1 in digit form

• Step 6: Now the system will boot in single user mode, and you will be logged in as root
automatically; you will not be asked the password.

• Step 7: You may change the current root password by using the ‘passwd’ command

• Step 8: You have changed or reset your password successfully.

Attention LILO boot loader users

• Step 1: Start your computer

• Step 2: When you get the LILO boot prompt, type in ‘linux single’

• Step 3: Your system will boot in the single user mode, and you will be logged in as root; the system will not ask for your password

• Step 4: Using the ‘passwd’ command, change the existing root password

• Step 5: you have changed or reset your password successfully.

The aforementioned processes will help you reset your old password, but it will not help you recover your old password or even see what it was. For further tech support in this problem or other computer problems, opt for the online computer repair services.


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