How to Get Rid of a Trojan Virus

You might have faced a Trojan virus when working on your computer and been extremely annoyed. A Trojan virus is actually a faulty computer program which has the ability to infect remote computers by deleting important files and also changing the desktop. You can delete this virus by following some steps.

•Step 1: Restart your computer.

•Step 2: You may launch an antivirus program to install in your computer, like McAfee and Symantec’s Norton. Once the program window appears, go to the ‘Disk View’, then select Scan/Repair; this will enable the antivirus to detect the Trojan virus and then trash it.

•Step 3: Now exit the antivirus program on your machine and restart your system; find out of the Trojan virus has been removed. Also empty the trash can on your computer.

•Step 4: In case you are a Windows user, you have to disable the System Restore feature. Go to the Start menu, and right click on the My Computer icon for accessing Properties. Now check the ‘Turn Off System Restore’ option, which falls under the category of System Restore tab in the Properties window; after having done this, click on Apply. You have to verify your wish to disable the System Restore feature by clicking on OK or Yes.

•Step 5: Update the virus definitions in your antivirus program by downloading the latest definitions from the website.

•Step 6: You can scan the files for detecting the Trojan file. Go by the instructions provided in your antivirus program for deleting the suspicious files. The Trojan file is normally found in the C:\ drive. Also edit the machine’s backup registry by going to Start menu, then going to Run and typing ‘regedit’ in the textbox, then click OK.

•Step 7: Search the registry entry and delete it. The entry might begin with HKEY. Now exit the registry entry and restart your system.

If you still face problems contact an expert for online computer repair.

2 Response to "How to Get Rid of a Trojan Virus"

  1. Joseph says:

    The blog is as simple as to install any anti virus and run it for scanning.It is the best it support technique.

    Unknown says:

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