Showing posts with label Music from iPod. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music from iPod. Show all posts

How to Copy Music from iPod to Computer

Copying or transferring music from iPod to your computer is very prevalent nowadays. If you have never done this, you can learn how to do it. It is not a difficult task at all. You need your iPod, your computer system, the Apple iTunes software as well as the iPod data cable to perform this task.

•Step 1: Get the iPod connected to the computer by plugging the data cable in one of the USB slots of the computer.

•Step 2: A window will open giving you options like play music, open the drive, and other options. In case you do not have the ‘auto run’ feature, you will have to go to ‘My Computer’ and then click open the iPod drive.

•Step 3: Enable the viewing of hidden folders and files by clicking on ‘Tools’ tab on the menu bar; this will give you a drop down menu. From this menu, you need to select ‘Folder Options’; select ‘view’ from the options and then select the ‘show hidden files and folders option’.

•Step 4: There is a new folder called iPod _control in the iPod drive. There are other folders inside this folder from where you are supposed to select the ‘Music’ folder.

•Step 5: Next you need to select the music you want to transfer to your computer and just copy paste the music files on your computer drive.

If you are facing problems in accomplishing this task, you can contact the online computer repair services for assistance.


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