Showing posts with label Windows Internet Explorer 7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows Internet Explorer 7. Show all posts

What to Do When Windows Internet Explorer 7 Crashes

Windows Internet Explorer 7Many people think that Windows Internet Explorer 7 is totally crash-proof, but that is not true. When your IE crashes or closes just after being opened, you will get an error message saying that the IE is not working or may be that it encountered a problem and will close. This kind of a problem can be fixed if you can detect what the issue is. If you are unable to know the problem you can hire the services of an online technical support provider. Usually Windows Internet Explorer 7 crashes due to low memory, as well as missing or corrupted system files.

Try manually disabling all Add-ons

• Step 1: Click on Start menu and open Internet Explorer by clicking on it

• Step 2: Click on the Tools button and then click on the Manage Add-ons option for disabling the Add-ons
If this does not work, try resetting Internet Explorer settings
Resetting Internet Explorer• Step 1: Close the Internet Explorer windows

• Step 2: Now click on the Start menu and then click on Internet Explorer

• Step 3: Click on the Tools button and choose Internet Options and click on it

• Step 4: Click the Advanced tab and then click on Reset

• Step 5: After you have reset the settings, click on Close option and then click OK

• Step 6: Now close the Internet Explorer and then reopen it. This will help the changes be effective.

If nothing works, avail the online computer repair services for assistance.


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