How to Boot in Safe Mode in Windows XP

Justify FullOften you may find your computer hanging or crashing after you have installed a new software or hardware; in this case it will be advisable to start your Windows XP operating system in the safe mode. The safe mode refers to the default utility stored in your machine, which helps you identify the problem and fix it.'

Now how do you boot in safe mode? If you want to boot in safe mode with Windows XP, do the following.
Step 1: Restart the computer and keep tapping the F8 key till you get the Windows Advanced Options menu. Pressing the F8 key too early will get you the ‘keyboard error’ message.
Step 2: Once you get the black screen, you can use the keyboard up-down keys for selecting the ‘safe mode’ and then press ‘Enter’.
Step 3: Once you have identified and rectified the computer problems, you can restart your machine and it will start in the normal mode.

If the F8 key is not functioning, then as an alternative you can use the ‘System Configuration Utility’ window.
Step 1: You have to close all the programs that are running and click on the Start menu, go to Run and type in ‘msconfig’, and then click OK.

Step 2: When the ‘System Configuration Utility’ window appears, you have to select the ‘BOOT.INI’ option. Check the ‘/SAFEBOOT’ option after clicking on the ‘MINIMAL’ button located below or at the side. Next click ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’. Reboot when you get the prompt.

Step 3: Now solve the problem and open the ‘System Configuration Utility’ window, uncheck the ‘/SAFEBOOT’ option so that your machine can start Windows XP normally.

If you still have problems, you can opt for online computer repair services for offering you tech support in solving computer problems.

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