How to Setup Static IP Address

For all those who have very little or no information on static IP address, know that this address is provided to the user by the internet service provider permanently. The address is your machine’s unique identity over the internet. Static IP addresses are usually used in Local Area Networks or LANs. You need to setup the static IP address for providing your computer one fixed identity, which will remain as it is every time that you access the internet.
You have to ask your internet service provider to provide you information on the IP address, the Default gateway, the Subnet mask, the preferred DNS server as well as the alternate DNS server. If this is not possible you may try out the following process.

•Step 1: Go to the Start menu and click Run.

•Step 2: In the box that appears, type ‘cmd’ and then click OK

•Step 3: This will open a command prompt window, where you are required to type ‘ipconfig/all’ and then press Enter.

•Step 4: You will get all the information on IP address, the Default gateway, the Subnet mask, the preferred DNS server and alternate DNS server, which should be retained for future use.

For completing the static IP address setup, you have to follow certain steps.

•Step 1: Access Start menu and click on Control Panel.

•Step 2: Now click on Network Connections and locate the connection that is used for connecting to the internet.

•Step 3: When you locate the connection, right click on it and select Properties.

•Step 4: Select ‘Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)’ and then select the Properties tab.

•Step 5: A window will open, and you are required to select the ‘Use the following IP address’ option and then de-select the option ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’.

•Step 6: Now enter all the information and numbers you had retained earlier for entering into the consequent boxes that appear.

If you have problems in setting up the static IP address, you may contact an online computer repair company for tech support.

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